It’s time for another round of the latest 3 things I’ve been doing!
- After a reminder from T3nshi’s latest update on his project, I finally set up source control for GMS2, so I can start doing regular commits. (I’ve already gotten into one bad state already going through the Heartbeast lectures – and while he kindly provides a version of the source for each lecture, it meant losing my notes I’d been taking in the comments along the way).
- Started tackling FriendlyCosmonaut’s cutscene tutorials in hopes to begin sharing silly gifs in upcoming weeks (like this guy does, heh).
- I started the #100dayproject, doing #100daysofgamedesign – with daily updates on Instagram (piratecatlabs) and semi-regular updates on Twitter (also piratecatlabs, perhaps unsurprisingly). Some more granular notes on progress:
- I’ve committed to finishing up a rough tileset for the prototype by next weekend, which I think I’m on track for. (I want to begin reskinning what I’ve built in the Heartbeast tutorials so it feels more like my own project!)
- I’ve made a few more character designs! Here’s where our three main characters are currently at (and I’m feeling good about the direction)
- I’ve started on a title card illustration and keep doodling little objects here and there in my spare time…
- …which also leads into: I started my first enemy design (still need to work on its attack, though)
Anyway, that’s all for now!