Work is still going, I’m just terrible at posting

Admittedly, Fall/Winter are the busiest times of year for my consulting business, and I’ve got two excellent clients who’ve been keeping me pretty busy – so that doesn’t leave a lot of mental bandwidth for other creative endeavors. I’ve been quietly making progress on various things in the background, and would like to get back into the habit of blogging progress a bit more regularly.

Following the brilliant lead of the Village Monsters devblog, let me update you on the 3 most interesting things I’ve been working on:

  1. I’m mostly done with uheartbeast’s excellent ARPG course (waiting for a few final modules to be published that are relevant to my interests, actually – guessing those are going up within the next week or two, hooray!)
  2. I’m still trying to solidify the art style for this game. My favorite version so far – v3 – is also really detailed and probably far too ambitious for a game I want to make and release myself. I’ve been experimenting with another few styles, and am kinda leaning towards a simpler style that feels more Earthboundy and is maybe easier to generate the assets I need, but I worry it’s maybe too informal. Then again, I’m also still figuring out the tone of the game (serious? spooky? funny?) and I like the feeling I get looking at v6. Also, despite my best efforts designing a color palette, I’ve found that I really love Crabby’s Cabana-64 palette much more than all of my prior efforts (much more saturated and vibrant than mine!) – so I think I’ll be rolling with that one for now, though I may take another stab at making or modifying a palette again, soon.
  3. Generally brainstorming and designing the puzzles for the first dungeon, and how they tie into the rest of the world. It’s something I’ve been trying to spend a few minutes on each day, and helping me to solidify the world and the interesting objects and people within…

Hope everyone’s had a great weekend, and looking forward to updating you next week!

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